• PixSquare: Portfolio site for creators

PixSquare: Portfolio site for creators

PixSquare is the perfect theme for creators to effectively showcase their work and create a professional impression. It has various features such as easily customizable color coordination and automatically formatted galleries.


Customizable color coordination: Choose from four harmonious color patterns to match the style of your work.

Easy gallery creation: Just import images and they will be automatically cropped and arranged beautifully. Works are lined up for easy viewing and improve quality.

Automatic news generation: Blog posts automatically generate news about the latest activities and events and display them on a dedicated page.

Image caption function: AI can automatically generate captions and embed them into images. You can easily understand detailed information about the work.

PixSquare allows creators to express their talents and skills in a more appealing way. What’s more, this theme combines ease of use and beauty, making it perfect for those who pursue creative professionalism.

Visit our demo site and experience the power of PixSquare: PixSquare Demo Site


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